Select the correct answer:

1. Which of the following was founded by Rettaimalai Srinivasan?

2. Match the following:
Indus Sites Excavated by
(a) Chanhu-Daro 1. Suraj Bhan
(b) Lothal 2. N.G. Majumdar
(c) Banavali 3. S.R. Rao
(d) Mitathal 4. Bisht
(a) (b) (c) (d)

3. Which of the following statements about Bhagat Singh are true?
(i) In 1930, Bhagat Singh attacked the Chittagong armouries
(ii) In 1929, Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt threw a smoke bomb inside the Central Legislative Assembly Hall
(iii) In 1925, Bhagat Singh formed Hindustan Republican Army

4. Arrange the following Newspaper's and Journals of Thanthai Periyar in chronological order.
1. Paguththarivu
2. Viduthalai
3. Kudiarasu
4. Puratchi

5. Assertion [A]: The Indian heritage advocates hospitality, charity, friendship, love respect for parents and elders and tolerance.
Reason [R]: All these help the people to live in unity.

6. Match the following:
(a) First Five Year Plan 1. Economic stability
(b) Second Five Year Plan 2. Growth with stability.
(c) Third Five Year Plan 3. Problems of refugees, food shortage and inflation.
(d) Fourth Five Year Plan 4. Self - generating economy
(a) (b) (c) (d)

7. Arrange the following plans in Chronological order.
(i) Gandhian Plan
(ii) Bombay Plan
(iii) Jawaharlal Nehru Plan
(iv) Vishveshwarya Plan

8. Arrange the source of revenue of government of India for the year 2020-21 in descending order
(i) GST
(ii) Personal income tax
(iii) Excise
(iv) Corporate tax
(v) Customs

9. The birth rate is estimated in terms of
(i) Number of births per one hundred population in a given year
(ii) Number of births per one lakh population in a given year
(iii) Number of births per one thousand population in ten years
(iv) Number of births per one thousand population in a given year

10. If the difference between C.I. and S.I. on some principal at 15% p.a. for 3years is ₹1,134. Then the principal is